What is ReactJS?

React or ReactJS is an open-source javascript library for building modern UI and maintained by Facebook. Based on javascript React is focused on rendering data to the DOM. It is secured, fast and scalable. Declarativity is a nutshell of the of the React. This allows to focus on what is displayed instead of how. Using React dynamic “live” business applications frontend can be developed with partial data update. With React addons multiply platforms are supported like React Native for mobile application development or Electron for Cross-platform hybrid desktop applications. Worldwide popular apps like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, Twitter are already use React.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework. Like React it was created by Facebook. React Native uses UI elements written in React can be easily generated for native Android or iOS: charts, grids, buttons, images, etc. React Native doesn’t render data to the DOM, unlike React. React Native launches a background process directly on the device and communicates with native platform via asynchronous, serialization and batched bridge.

With help of ReactJS and React Native technologies your company saves time and cost of the project in business application development instead of native application development for each platform. INTELLIGENCE-SOFT has a great experience in ReactJS and React Native. See our portfolio below.

Our ReactJS and React Native Portfolio: